3 Outstanding Natural Home Remedies for Cold

Being sick is no fun, especially when you're put to bed rest. The feeling of muscle pain, fatigue, shivers, and respiratory inflammation can be enough to make anyone feel annoyed and low. But, before you make an appointment at the doctor's office, there are a number of home remedies that will ease your symptoms and refresh your mind and body.
1. Vitamin C

Essential Vitamins, such as Vitamin C, play an important role in maintaining your body's immune system. Many parts of your body require a healthy intake of vitamin C to function effectively. Limes along with lemons, oranges, pomegranate, leafy greens as well as other vegetables and fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. Adding fresh lemon juice to warm honey tea can reduce phlegm when you're sick. Drinking warm and cold orange juice can also help your energy levels. While these drinks do not fully get rid of away the cold, they definitely help you get back on your feet and combat weakness. Your weak immunity system demands all nutrients and essential vitamins to get back to healthy.
Getting an adequate amount of Vitamin C can relieve infections of other diseases and illnesses in the respiratory tract.
2. Humidity The virus thrives and travels quicker in warm conditions. Creating more moisture in your home will greatly reduce your vulnerability to this flu-causing virus. High humidity can also reduce nasal inflammation and make breathing easier when you're sick. Adding a humidifier to your room momentarily will make you feel more relaxed and stress-free, mainly because it helps in clearing up the nasal passages. This is particularly true in winter when warm indoor heat can make your symptoms worse. Using a couple of tablespoons of eucalyptus oil and adding it into the water used in the humidifier can even improve your breathing.
3. Hot Liquids

You have probably noticed that as a kid, whenever you had a cold, your parents would serve you hot chicken soup or any warm drink. The science behind drinking warm drinks or food is the fact they greatly help the inside of your respiratory system by cleaning it up. They slow the movement of neutrophils in your body. Neutrophils are a typical type of white-blood-cell. They help guard your body against infection. When they are slowed, they begin to crowd up one area In the body and then work effectively in fighting the cold.
Drinking hot liquid soothes nasal pressure, avoid dehydration, and relax inflamed membranes that cover the nose and throat. Make a cup of hot tea from pure herbs. Add a tablespoon of honey and one quick shot of whiskey or bourbon (about 1 oz). Only confine yourself to one. Too much alcohol will cause the membranes to swell and leave you feeling worse. You could also try mixing garlic, lemon, or ginger inside these hot drinks to get the most benefit out of your drink!
Forget the doctor's appointment and try these remedies now!
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