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Efficient Natural Home Remedies For Snoring

Natural Remedies For Snoring
Natural Remedies For Snoring

Imagine sleeping peacefully, and then you suddenly wake up to find out that your roommate was just snoring. What an annoying habit! Snoring is defined as noisy breathing while you sleep. It is a very common condition for any age.

Although, being overweight are more prone to snoring, it tends to worsen with age. It’s not actually a bad condition, the only thing bad about it is disrupting the sleeping schedule of those around you.

Not getting enough sleep causes more problems when it happens frequently. Therefore, people who snore so loudly, get medical treatment. Changing your lifestyle is also a great treatment for snoring.

It is ideal to breathe through your nose, but in the case of snoring loudly, breathing is through the mouth. The nose acts as a filter for incoming air.

When you breathe through your mouth, it makes your body uncomfortable. The nose has two passages, one is called the nasal cavity. And on the other side, there are three nasal turbinates.

If the blood vessels in the turbinates increase in size, the turbinate eventually swells and the flow of air decreases. If the vessels narrow, the turbinates become smaller and airflow increases.

If the turbinates swell, it can decrease the airflow which results in stronger breathing and loud snoring.

So it is natural to breathe through your nose, but in fact, there are some people who can’t breathe through their nose because of certain nasal problems such as, sinus infection, swollen turbinates, allergies, and large tonsils at the throat.

These people who have nasal obstruction are more susceptible to snoring because they breathe through their mouths.

Sleeping isn’t just basically sleeping; it has several stages. Snoring can happen at any stage but is most common during REM sleep. That is because during REM sleep, the body automatically relaxes and shuts off.

Unfortunately, the tongue, palate, and throat can collapse when they relax. That can cause the airways to narrow and eventually worsen snoring.

Since sleeping is a very significant factor in having a healthy body, when you wake up from a snore almost every night, then it can be a problem. Snoring can happen because of many factors and these are:

Sleep Position – How you sleep and where you sleep is very significant for snoring. Sleeping in your back can cause snoring.

Blocked Nostrils – People who have problems with their nose, allergy season, or nasal polyps can cause snoring.

Thick Throat Tissue - Overweight people can experience this; they usually have large tonsils and adenoids.

Long Uvula – Having a long uvula can make the opening of your throat narrower. The uvula is the dangling tissue in the back of your mouth.

Alcohol And Drugs - Drinking alcohol or taking muscle relaxers can also make you overly relax the muscles in your mouth which makes it susceptible for snoring.

Sleep Deprivation - Your throat muscles might relax too much if you’re not getting enough sleep.

In helping reduce snoring, or preventing snoring, lifestyle changes are the most significant. Because this can affect sleeping routines and maintain the size of the nasal airways.

This condition is sometimes associated with OSA (Obstructive sleep apnea). If you do have OSA, symptoms include:

Gasping at night

Disrupts your partners sleep

Waking up with a sore throat

High blood pressure

Tiring sleep

Feeling very sleepy during daytime

Short attention span

Difficulty concentrating

Experiencing pauses in breathing while sleeping

The condition that can be associated with snoring is OSA, which is defined as loud snoring with breathing stops during sleeping. Pauses in breathing tend to let your body wake up which happens to many people.

This is the time when you woke up from a loud snore because you couldn’t breathe. OSA is also a sign when you have several nights where you wake up so fast just from a slight noise. This is probably due to sleeping lightly.

Snoring creates vibration of the soft palate and uvula, therefore, produces a harsh and loud snore which is characteristically throaty.

In most snorers, more than one area is involved in the vibration. Snoring occurs at stage 4 sleep, or deep sleep, which usually occurs about an hour and a half after the onset of sleep.

The position of the sleeper also influences snoring, with the loudest sounds occurring when the individual is lying in his/her back.

Since snoring can gradually worsen and affect people around you, people have come up with several natural remedies for snoring. This includes:

Lose Weight

Home Remedies To Stop Snoring
Home Remedies To Stop Snoring

Being overweight can create snoring. When you try to lose weight, the amount of tissue in the nasal passage can be reduced.

You can try to lose weight by reducing your calorie intake by eating healthy and in small amounts. Exercising regularly can help prevent snoring from happening.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring
Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring

People who don’t usually snore, may possibly start snoring only when they drank alcohol.

When you sleep, air passages in the esophagus can constrict as the muscles relax. To satisfy the need for oxygen, the body compensates by more forcefully inhaling air.

As the air passes over the soft esophageal skin, it vibrates, causing characteristic snoring sounds.

In turn, people who frequently drink are constantly in a state of sleep deprivation. This impacts the body’s normal operating functionality and efficiencies and leads to more pronounced snoring while under the influence.

Stay Hydrated

Natural Cures For Snoring
Natural Cures For Snoring

If you snore in your sleep, it is best to drink plenty of water.

Dehydration creates a stickier soft palate because of secretions from your nos. This can increase your chance of snoring.

Sleeping Habits

Working long hours without enough sleep means your body is over tired. When you sleep and are overtired, the muscles become too relaxed and floppier, which creates snoring.

Sleeping On Your Side

Sleeping on your back is a cause of snoring because the tongue moves to the back of the throat and can block airflow flowing through the throat. If you choose to sleep on your side, it can allow more airflow easily and therefore, reduce snoring.

Clear Nasal Passage

This allows air to flow slower which prevents from creating harsh sounds. You can clear nose passages by doing a hot shower before sleeping. A salt water steam bath can also help clear nasal passages.

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About Mary Sheila

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Having served clients for over a decade as a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Mary Sheila Gonnella teaches people how to honor their unique physiology, move self-care to the front burner, and achieve and maintain radiant health.  Mary Sheila’s wealth of knowledge has led her to be included as a featured speaker and teacher on various online summits and stages around the San Francisco Bay Area. Mary Sheila is excited to be a part of BioYouth Labs, where she is able to keep sharing the good word of nutrition and supporting people with quality supplements that can support the healing journey.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These remedies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary from individual to individual.

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