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Best Natural Home Remedies For a Migraine

Home Remedies For Migraine
Home Remedies For Migraine

This type of headache is one that can affect anyone of any age. It is a condition that can cause several symptoms. Migraines can begin in childhood or even early adulthood. This headache is more common in women than men.

Sometimes it can also be hereditary. This creates a painful throbbing, and pulsing pain that can last for several hours or days. Migraines are differentiated as aura or without aura. One of the signs of having a migraine is having flashes of light, and other visual disturbances.

Migraine is one of the most common problems of women because it is accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, and also vomiting.

Some people who experience migraines are usually finding it difficult to work properly. Since this can last for hours to a day, throbbing pain in the head that lasts for hours can be exhausting.

This can sometimes be manageable or not, depending on the person. Symptoms of migraine include fatigue, irritability, stiffness, difficulty speaking, flashing lights, and tingling sensations all throughout the body.

Prescription medications are mostly used for treating migraines to give instant relief. While there are several medications for migraines, it is also best to try treating it the natural way.

But medication should not be the only treatment but also through changing your lifestyle. Such as doing things that do not trigger a migraine.

Risks of having migraines are sometimes caused by several factors including:

Family history – This can be genetic and passed on to generations.

Age - Migraines can happen at any age. But first often occurs during adolescence. Migraines tend to peak during your 30s, and gradually become less severe.

Gender - Women are said more likely to have migraines.

Causes of migraine are not scientifically identified, however, these are causes likely reported by people who do have it.

Some probable factors for causing migraines are:

bright lights

extreme heat


hormone changes in women

excess stress

loud sounds

intense physical activity

skipping meals

changes in sleep patterns

medications such as oral contraceptives or nitroglycerin

foul smells

certain foods


alcohol use

Two types of Migraine:


This type is usually called a classic migraine. Which is a complicated and painful migraine. Symptoms of migraines with aura are having speech, visual, and sensory problems. This aura happens before the headache begins.


This one is called the common migraine because this type does not experience aura. People that do not experience aura with migraine are more likely to have these characteristics and can happen for several times.

Headache that lasts from 4 - 72 hours

Headache that occurs only on one side of the head (unilateral)

Headache pain that is pulsating or throbbing

Headache pain level that is moderate or severe

makes you sensitive to light

it makes you sensitive to sound

nausea with or without vomiting or diarrhea

Types of migraines with and without aura:

1. Chronic

This creates migraine along with tension headaches and is sometimes called severe migraines. People that do have chronic migraines have a severe tension or migraine headache more than 15 days a month for 3 or more months.

2. Optical

It is also known as eye migraine, retinal migraine, monocular migraine, and many more. From the name itself, it’s simply a type that happens mainly on the eyes and is rare.

3. Acute

It is the just the opposite of a chronic migraine. It is also called an episodic migraine. Headaches from acute migraines can last up to 15 days. But the only advantage is that this type can create less headaches.

4. Vestibular

It is also known as migraine associated vertigo. Most people who do have migraines experience this migraine associated by vertigo. This affects a person’s balance and can cause dizziness. This type can be triggered by certain foods.

5. Menstrual

This can affect up to 60% of women that has migraines. This can occur before and/or after menstruation and ovulation. Women might have experienced a severe headache when they were ovulating. This creates significant nausea that lasts longer than usual. They include migraines during:

your period




birth control pills

As I have already said, migraines are mostly treated using prescription medications, but there are several complications for this. Medications can have different side effects to people such as overdose of migraine medications.

The use of migraine medication when used for several months or for a lengthy period, can trigger headaches from over-using. You can also get headaches from over-using medications that makes you already immune to it.

Which will eventually make migraine medication less effective in relieving your pain and just begin to cause the headaches.

To prevent and treat having any of the kinds of migraines, here are natural remedies migraines to try:

1. Ginger

Natural Remedies For Migraines
Natural Remedies For Migraines

This amazing ingredient that contains antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti- bacterial properties are comparable with sumatriptan, a medication for migraine.

Because of this, it would be a great remedy to try if you don’t want side effects.

2. Caffeine

Migraine Natural Treatment
Migraine Natural Treatment

Believe it or not, coffee can treat your migraine.

This was used by past cultures to treat headaches, kidney diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

3. Lavender Oil

This is mainly used as an essential oil, but it is said to also be helpful for migraines. It was already used in ancient Egyptians. This is used topically on the affected area. The aromatic flowers and their oil were used to treat everything from headaches and insomnia to mental health complaints such as stress and fatigue.

4. Rosemary

Instant Migraine Relief At Home
Instant Migraine Relief At Home

This spice can be used for numerous conditions such as muscle and joint pain, concentration difficulties, and of course, migraines.

It is used as an oil that can be diluted and applied topically or also inhaled.

Rosemary is believed to have antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and antioxidant effects.

5. Yoga

Migraine Relief At Home
Migraine Relief At Home

This has already been proven and tested to alleviate muscle pain but also lessen migraines.

Through inner and outer relaxation of the mind and body, it decreases the chance of a migraine.

6. Stay Hydrated

This is one of the factors that can trigger a migraine. The lack of water in the body causes dehydration which leads to a migraine. It is said that people who drink water more often, do not get a migraine.

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About Mary Sheila

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Having served clients for over a decade as a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Mary Sheila Gonnella teaches people how to honor their unique physiology, move self-care to the front burner, and achieve and maintain radiant health.  Mary Sheila’s wealth of knowledge has led her to be included as a featured speaker and teacher on various online summits and stages around the San Francisco Bay Area. Mary Sheila is excited to be a part of BioYouth Labs, where she is able to keep sharing the good word of nutrition and supporting people with quality supplements that can support the healing journey.

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