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9 Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers
Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Have you ever had a hard time eating or even brushing your teeth because you have sores? Well, you’re not the only one.

As a matter of fact, this happens to everyone at a certain period in their life.

This may happen if you accidentally bite your lip or cheek, which is utterly painful, or from hormonal changes.

mouth ulcers are small open wounds or ulcers that develop in the mouth or gums. It is also known as aphthous ulcers.

The term “aphthous” originated from a Greek word “aphthae” which means ulceration. It usually has a white or yellow color and is inflamed.

This condition makes eating or talking a very painful job. It indeed is very irritating and sometimes painful to get mouth ulcers.

People with low supply of vitamins B-3, B-9, or B-12, are likely to be more prone to getting this condition.

Usual symptoms of mouth ulcers are: white or yellow shaped lesion, tingling sensation on affected area, painful and swollen area, and sometimes fever,

It is sometimes confused as a cold sore.

However, unlike a mouth sore, cold sores appear as blisters and form on the outside of your mouth.

But good news is, mouth ulcers usually heal on their own after a few weeks. Aphthous mouth ulcers most commonly begin to appear between the ages of 10-19.

This is usually just a symptom of something such as an injury or having a lack of iron (anemic). mouth ulcers aren’t contagious or extreme to any extent.

Yes it is mild, and rarely severe, but it makes talking and eating difficult at times, making it one of those annoying ailments you can get.

Possible triggers of aphthous ulcers include:

  • Mouth injury for example from cuts, burns or bites while eating, braces, hard brushing or dentures

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate — an active ingredient in some toothpastes and mouthwashes; this compound is known to prolong the time needed for ulcers to heal

  • Acidic and spicy foods

  • A deficiency of vitamins and/or minerals including zinc, B-12, folate and iron that may present with anemia

  • An allergic reaction to oral bacteria

  • Using, as well as quitting, the use of tobacco products

  • Hormonal change

  • Having a weakened immune system, due to certain chronic conditions

  • Bacteria

See Also:

Salt Water Gargle

Mouth Ulcer Treatment At Home
Mouth Ulcer Treatment At Home

Rinsing your mouth with salt water is a go-to home remedy and unfortunately a very painful one.

Sal and water gargle is a very simple yet effective way to treat sores because it washes away unwanted bacteria that can worsen the sore.

To make this gargle, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 cup of warm water and just gargle the solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.

Repeat this every few hours as needed.


Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers
Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Honey is already known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities. But how about for mouth ulcers?

According to a study, honey is effective in reducing mouth sore pain and inflammation.

To have the best effectivity, use Manuka honey instead of regular honey you find in grocery stores.

Manuka honey is better than other types of honey because of its healing properties.

To use this topical treatment, simply just apply the manuka honey directly on the affected sore.

This is better than gargling salt water because this is very edible and easy to do.


Mouth Ulcer Natural Treatment
Mouth Ulcer Natural Treatment

This herb is already known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties that’s why it’s been popular in natural remedies.

It is usually used to treat certain conditions such as, common colds, eczema, arthritis symptoms, ulcers, and infections.

Chamomile tea bags can be used as a compress to soothe mouth ulcers.

Apply a wet chamomile tea bag to your mouth sore, and leave it on for a few minutes.

You can also rinse your mouth with freshly brewed chamomile tea. Repeat the treatment three to four times daily.


Best Remedy For Mouth Ulcer
Best Remedy For Mouth Ulcer

This ingredient has been traditionally used to treat mouth inflammation because it kills bacteria and viruses.

It has antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

To make sage tea, boil water with 1-2 tablespoons of fresh sage leaves and steep for at least 5 minutes. Let the tea cool down and gargle it for a couple minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Best Home Remedy For Mouth Ulcer
Best Home Remedy For Mouth Ulcer

Apple cider has always been a good remedy for some conditions and that includes mouth ulcers.

It can clean wounds and kill bacteria. This can be a great mouthwash to eliminate your sores. Since apple cider is acidic, use it with precaution.

To make the mouthwash, combine 1 teaspoon of apple cider with a cup of water, then gargle for 1 minute. Repeat the remedy as needed.

Brushing Your Teeth

This has to be the most used remedy because it will really cause you many mouth and teeth problems.

It is a very important daily routine to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day.

Through brushing your teeth regularly, you can greatly avoid having mouth infections, sores, and having your teeth fall out.

If you do have proper hygiene and brush teeth regularly, then you are safe from any bacterial caused conditions in the mouth.

Aloe Vera

Cure For Mouth Ulcers Home Remedy
Cure For Mouth Ulcers Home Remedy

Aloe vera is said to soothe burns, inflammation, and many more. By applying aloe vera on the sore, it may help soothe irritation as well as reduce symptoms from mouth ulcers.

According to a clinical trial study, which included 40 patients, two percent aloe vera gel may decrease the frequency and occurrence of mouth ulcers, and quickly reduce the size of these lesions.


Natural Cure For Mouth Ulcers
Natural Cure For Mouth Ulcers

This is known to be a popular ingredient used for natural remedies. It can help treat wounds and strengthen the immune system.

This advantage can greatly help from avoiding mouth ulcers.

To make this tea, add 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of echinacea. You may either gargle the mixture for 2 minutes or gargle and swallow since it’s edible.

Repeat this procedure after brushing the teeth.

Milk of Magnesia

This is usually used to relieve constipation. It also contains magnesium hydroxide which can help change the pH balance in the mouth to prevent from getting symptoms of mouth ulcers.

Simply apply a small amount of milk of magnesia to the affected sore and let it stay for a minute. You can repeat this three times daily or as needed.


About Mary Sheila

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Having served clients for over a decade as a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Mary Sheila Gonnella teaches people how to honor their unique physiology, move self-care to the front burner, and achieve and maintain radiant health.  Mary Sheila’s wealth of knowledge has led her to be included as a featured speaker and teacher on various online summits and stages around the San Francisco Bay Area. Mary Sheila is excited to be a part of BioYouth Labs, where she is able to keep sharing the good word of nutrition and supporting people with quality supplements that can support the healing journey.

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